Howdy! Welcome to the website! It’s a little something I’ve put together as a side project, using a domain name that I’ve owned for a few years now. In case you’re confused on the name, 404 is a HTTP status code saying that a resource is not being found. The name “Breaking 404” comes from the idea of turning missing information into… not that, and since you have the resource now, it’s no longer a “404” in your head.

Here, you’ll find my personal class review notes. I wrote them while studying with the goal of pretending to teach the concept with a focus on building an intuition. There will be very few (if any) example problems in them, since they give us enough homework already. Instead, my hope was to “derive” everything to a reasonable extent, opening all of the magic boxes, and never giving a formula while saying “just trust me”. I sort these by class on the Class Reviews page of the site, where I provide any additional information I might find relevant.

Additionally, because I have the space, I plan to write something of “blogs” on the site. I like to run thought experiments and dissect ideas in my head, so if I ever find an idea particularly interesting, or I feel like it’s worth sharing, I might write it down and put it on the Blogs page.

Finally, while I study the Bible, I will sometimes take notes on a topic I’m particularly interested in, and sometimes I hope to upload them to the Bible Notes page, in the off chance that someone might find them useful. I don’t claim to be a scholar by any means, I actually know very, very little. Since all of my writings are based on my own understanding, if you find anything helpful, I give full credit to God… I only take responsibility for the confusing bits.

Non-Review Posts

  • Finding God in Physics

    When I get some free time, I will occasionally read through the Feynman Lectures on Physics, which are essentially transcriptions of the lectures Richard Feynman gave to the freshmen of Caltech in the early 1960’s. There was one day a few weeks ago where I had some extra time on my hands and so I opened the website, but instead of going to a specific subject, I just started from the beginning with the first couple lectures. These were all about what physics is, giving a pretty interesting and in-depth background on the science. What caught my eye, however, was the seeming evidence of God in all of it.

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