Class Reviews
I have fun writing reviews for classes, and I write them as if I was presenting a lecture on the material because it really helps me study. I can’t promise any of these to be 100% accurate, so always trust your textbook / professor more, but I do try my best. Since they’re what I personally use for exam prep, I have high motivation to make them as correct as possible. If you find any errors, I’m always happy to fix them, just shoot me an email at
ECEN 248
In addition to that, I also have this PDF, which is my handwritten notes talking about basic synchronous elements, from Latches to Flip-Flops. This should be read before the longer review
ECEN 214
In addition, I also have this PDF, which is my handwritten notes covering all of unit 1, from basic quantities up to thevenin circuits. This has an inaccuracy: When discussing kirchhoff’s laws, I said that both have to do with the law of Conservation of Energy. That is incorrect. Kirchoff’s Voltage Law is Conservation of Energy, but Kirchoff’s Current law is Conservation of Charge
MATH 311
My one review only covers the multivariable portion of the class. If you are trying to study the linear algebra portion, I highly recommend this (free) course by 3 blue 1 brown. Like my review, it is completely focused on building the intuition behind the math, rather than throwing formulas and theorems in your face. It’s what I used, and I found success in the course with it.